Meeting Abstract
P2.14 Thursday, Jan. 5 stri researchers in k-12 scientific literacy programming KEDDELL, Robert/W*; DRAKES, Damisha; SHIFFLETT, Brandon; SCHOLL, Noah; MORTENSON, Chris; Johns Hopkins University bkeddell@aol.com
STRI RESEARCHERS IN K-12 SCIENTIFIC LITERACY PROGRAMMING Visit this poster session to learn about a K-12 Motivation Education Program entitled RAINFOREST RESEARCHERS. The teaching methodology emulates and simulates the work of scientists working at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute of Panama. This program, now in its eighth year, integrates the AAAS Benchmarks for Scientific Literacy with the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and the Teach for Understanding Framework found in Harvard’s WIDE World Education coursework. The full program is used with families, at risk youth, museum visitors and in school based programming.