STEP into Science at Medgar Evers College, a Successful Strategic Plan

Meeting Abstract

P2.52  Wednesday, Jan. 5  STEP into Science at Medgar Evers College, a Successful Strategic Plan CARROLL, M.A.*; SKEETE, D.; CATAPANE, E.J.; Medgar Evers College; Medgar Evers College; Medgar Evers College

Over the next decade job opportunities in science and engineering (S&E) are expected to grow and questions arise as to whether America will be able to attract enough young people into STEM fields to maintain a S&E workforce that is competitive globally and reflect the racial and ethnic diversity projected for the growing U.S. population. In 2006 we initiated a STEP into Science program at Medgar Evers College (MEC) with the goal of increasing the number of STEM majors that graduate with BS degrees in Biology or Environmental Science. Our strategic plan involves the use of peer recruiters to attract more high school, transfer, and non-science college students into STEM majors, and placing emphasis on undergraduate research experiences. The program has had great success in dramatically increasing the quality and retention of MEC science majors through their BS degree. There has been substantial increase in student interest and participation in research activities and external research internships over the last 4 years of the program. The number of students actively engaged in research has increase by more that 90%, along with an 87% increase in external internships. Student research presentations at scientific conferences increase by 75% and the number of students receiving travel awards to attend conferences increased by 70%. Since the inception of the program, total STEM enrollment has more than doubled. STEM graduates have also increased and the program anticipates that these and future STEP into Science graduates will continue on to Masters and Doctoral programs in STEM and ultimately enter rewarding careers in the science enterprise. Supported by grant 0622197 of the DUE Program of NSF.

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