Meeting Abstract
P2.215 Saturday, Jan. 5 Statistical Biogeography of the Marmosets and Tamarins BUCKNER, JC*; LYNCH ALFARO, JW; RYLANDS, AB; ALFARO, ME; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Conservation International; Univ. of California, Los Angeles jcharrayb@ucla.edu
The Callitrichidae are a family of Platyrrhine monkeys with greater than 50 taxa with distributions in Central and South America. Previous phylogenetic studies of the group have neglected to consider the species relationships within a geographic context. Here we consider the phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of the family using a species tree constructed from a concatenation of ten genes. We implemented a Bayesian discrete-states model of diffusion in BEAST for 40 taxa to determine the most likely pattern of invasion across South America. Our data show that sister taxa are grouping geographically within the same or in adjacent subregions. Also, our study supports an origin of the Callitrichid ancestor in the western Amazon and two major invasions of the Atlantic forest region from the Amazon at approximately 13MYA and 6MYA. We have also found that multiple instances of re-invasion and counter-invasion throughout the group’s history explain current patterns of sympatry among species. Finally, our geographic data, along with morphological and phylogenetic data, lends support to certain taxonomic delineations including the splitting of the genus Saguinus into two genera.