Meeting Abstract
P2.61 Sunday, Jan. 5 15:30 SLURP: Service Learning in an Undergraduate Research Program WOODLEY, SK*; SHOBER, L; PATEL , P; Duquesne University; Duquesne University; Duquesne University woodleys@duq.edu
Service learning combines formal instruction with a related service in the community with the goal of promoting discipline-specific learning. This summer, we combined a formal summer undergraduate research experience with a service learning project. Goals for the undergraduate researchers were to increase outreach and communication skills as well as discipline-specific knowledge by having students translate concepts from their research projects into activities accessible to school age children. Student partnered with a non-profit community organization offering a free summer camp for 1-8th graders from an economically-depressed neighborhood. One goal of the camp was to improve the scientific literacy of campers and inspire them to consider science careers. Eighty percent of the undergraduate students’ time was spent on their individual research project and 20% of their time was spent on the service-learning project. The service-learning component involved preparing and sharing STEM-related activities with over 80 campers. Undergraduate students reported that the experience reinforced their discipline-specific knowledge, increased their ability to work collaboratively, and increased their problem solving skills.