Meeting Abstract
P1.16 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Shell characteristics of barnacles from two New Jersey water bodies MCCLARY, JR., M.*; HASSAN, N.; MORRISON, K.; MARTINEZ, E.; EMO, S.; SALEM, H.; SHAH, A.; GARAH, S.; GARAH, M.; Fairleigh Dickinson University; Fairleigh Dickinson University; Fairleigh Dickinson University; Union Hill High School; North Bergen High School; North Bergen High School; County Prep High School; Lodi High School; Paramus High School mcclary@fdu.edu
Due to the brittle nature of barnacle shells in the Hackensack River of New Jersey, the thickness of barnacles shells from the Hackensack River and from Laurence Harbor was compared. Barnacles from both New Jersey water bodies were collected, cleaned, identified to species, measured, weighed, and analyzed for calcium concentration. As the shells become longer their apertures become longer. As the shells become heavier they become taller but not wider. Having a larger aperture may explain why the shells break easily. Having height but not a wide base may also explain why the shells break easily. Higher calcium concentrations were found in the barnacles shells from the Hackensack River which may or may not explain why they break more easily than barnacle shells from Laurence Harbor. Future research will determine if this is due to calcium concentrations or pollutants.