Meeting Abstract
Birds rely on visual cues for retinal image stabilization by negating optic flow, the movement of the visual panorama across the retina, through corrective eye and head motions. In combination with vestibular and proprioceptive feedback, birds may also use visual cues to stabilize their body during flight. Here, we test whether artificially induced optic flow generated through projected moving scenes results exclusively in vision stabilization or whether it also elicits corrective maneuvers to stabilize flight. To test this hypothesis, we present hummingbirds flying freely within a 1.2 m cylindrical visual arena with a virtual surround rotated horizontally and at different speeds. The birds responded robustly to these visual perturbations by rotating their heads and bodies and by flying with the surround rather than merely tracking the surround with head rotations. Thus, hummingbirds apparently use optic flow to control hovering flight maneuvers in addition to stabilize their vision. Similar visual-motor principles have been observed in insects, suggesting convergent evolution on robust visually guided flight strategies in both groups. (NSF IOS-0744056 & ONR N0014-10-1-0951)