Rosemary Knapp scientist, colleague, mentor, friend

Meeting Abstract

45-3  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:30 – 08:45  Rosemary Knapp: scientist, colleague, mentor, friend GROBER, M S*; PRADHAN, D S; Georgia State University; Idaho State University

I will spend my 15 minutes talking about how Rosemary Knapp helped Devaleena Pradhan (my graduate student) to better develop a great piece of science that was a significant part of her dissertation. She essentially co-mentored Devaleena by giving excellent feedback at her SICB poster AND, after we improved the study as a result of her feedback, via her excellent service as an editor at Proceedings of the Royal Society, London. The story is a testament to what a great scientist, mentor and colleague Rosemary was and also what a great friend she was to me. While the story will be about Rosemary, some neat data about how brain derived androgens regulate paternal care in the Bluebanded Goby will make an appearance, since this is the study that Devaleena was presenting at SICB when Rosemary dropped by and made everything better.

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