Meeting Abstract
The neuropeptide RF-amide-related peptide-3 (RFRP-3) centrally inhibits release and production of gonadotropins in response to various stressors. However, RFRP-3 is also produced and active in peripheral tissues including testes and ovaries. In these tissues, RFRP-3 mediates the stress response by decreasing local steroidogenesis. Despite the potential contribution of RFRP-3 to stress-related pregnancy complications, the broader functional consequences of its action remains unclear, though it is associated with changes in follicular growth and gonadotropin receptor expression in the ovaries. We aim to describe production and function of RFRP-3 in domestic cat gonads to provide a more comprehensive and comparative understanding of RFRP-3 action in peripheral tissues. We have confirmed that cat gonads express the conserved peptide sequence for RFRP-3. RFRP-3 is also expressed in cat uterus. We are now using in vitro culture to test the effects of RFRP-3 on steroidogenesis by quantifying steroid production in culture media and gene expression in tissue. Comparative knowledge of RFRP-3 production and function not only contributes to our broad understanding of reproductive biology and evolution, but also has the potential to aid in developing fertility control strategies in carnivores.