Meeting Abstract
Want to get your voice in on the debate on science funding? Does your research have something to say that policymakers need to hear? Wondering if there’s any way for scientists to actually play a role in the use of science in your local, state, and national arenas?
This year’s workshop on Science Policy Engagement, brought to you by the SICB Public Affairs Committee, will help scientists and science supporters in the SICB community better understand how science and policy intersect, how we are all empowered to make a difference, and how you can take your first steps toward making an impact on policy at the local, state, and national level.
We will be joined by two distinguished panelists. Dr. Jason O. Day, Legislative Director for Rep. Daniel Lipinski (IL-3), will speak from the perspective of a legislative staffer, to help you better understand the needs and priorities of those helping our federal policymakers, and offer tips on how to make the most of your time with them. And, Dr. Meredith White, postdoctoral researcher with the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences and a member of Maine’s recently formed Ocean Acidification Study Commission, will speak from the perspective of an active researcher who took steps to engage in policy, to help explain how communication enabled her to connect successfully with policymakers at the state level.
The program will be moderated by Dr. Michael Simon, Principal Data Scientist with Arcadia Healthcare Solutions, former AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow, and member of the SICB Public Affairs Committee. The workshop will include a moderated discussion among the panel with questions from the audience, as well as a group workshop activity to help you hone your message and approach. Don’t worry if you don’t have a pitch or pet issue right now: You can help your colleagues refine theirs, while we all learn a bit more about getting our foot in the door. And who knows… 2015 may be the year your science makes the difference in policy for your colleagues, your community, and maybe even your country. We look forward to seeing you there!