Meeting Abstract
P2.74 Thursday, Jan. 5 Proteome and transcriptome changes associated with competency and metamorphosis in the marine gastropod Crepidula onyx ARELLANO, Shawn M.*; ZHANG, Yu; WANG, Hao; CHEN, Zhangfan; QIAN, Pei-Yuan; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology sarellano@whoi.edu
Metamorphosis of marine gastropods is generally unspectacular, with few more morphological changes than the loss of a few transient larval characters. In fact, much of the gastropod larva is already fated to be juvenile tissues by gastrulation. Nevertheless, a recent microarray study has shown widespread transcriptional changes associated with larval development and metamorphic competence of lecithotorphic abalone larvae. But whether and how these changes are translated is unclear and genomic studies through larval development are rare in lophotrochozoans. Here we provide results from a study that examines variations in transcriptome, proteome, and phosphoproteome in newly-hatched veligers, 4-day old veligers, competent veligers, and juveniles of the gastropod Crepidula onyx. We generated transcriptome data from each stage using titanium 454 sequencing and proteomic data using 2D gel electrophoresis followed by multiplexed staining with both a total protein stain and phosphoprotein-specific stain. Differentially expressed proteins were identified using MALDI-TOF/TOF tandem mass spectrometry and querying both existing databases and the annotated transcriptome as a reference. Key differentially regulated proteins were confirmed with western blotting and their spatial and temporal expression patterns were confirmed with in situ hybridization and real time PCR.