Meeting Abstract
126.4 Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:15 Position of Center of Body Mass and Flight Dynamics in Birds PORTUGAL, S J*; WILSON, A; USHERWOOD, J; Royal Veterinary College, University of London; Royal Veterinary College, University of London; Royal Veterinary College, University of London sportugal@rvc.ac.uk
The center of mass for a flying bird is the balance point between its two wings and between its head and tail. This position of body mass will have important implications for flight costs, and both aerial maneuverability and flight speed. Little is known about the consequences, with respect to cost of flight, of experimentally manipulating the center of mass in free-flying vertebrates. Using data from innovative custom-built GPS and accelerometer loggers, we will present research in homing pigeons demonstrating the response in flap frequency and wing amplitude to changes in the center of mass of free-flying pigeons during 12 km homing flights. These findings will additionally have important ethical considerations for the use and placement of externally attached logging devices on flying animals.