Polymorphic microsatellite loci for threatened anostracan and related species

GONZALEZ, V; PEPINO, N; VALERO, S; BOHONAK, A; SIMOVICH, M; U. San Diego; U. San Diego; San Diego State Univ.; San Diego State Univ.; U. San Diego: Polymorphic microsatellite loci for threatened anostracan and related species.

Extensive habitat loss in Southern California has resulted in severe decreases in population numbers and possibly declines in genetic diversity for species such as the San Diego fairy shrimp, Branchinecta sandiegonensis. Microsatellite loci can be used to assess aspects of population genetic structure including levels of genetic variation, mating behavior and dispersal, and can be helpful in planning for habitat restoration and protection. However, few microsatellite loci have been identified for freshwater crustaceans, especially threatened anostracans. We isolated and characterized five polymorphic loci for B. sandiegonensis and tested the primers on four additional species: Branchinecta lynchi, Branchinecta lindahli, Streptocephalus woottoni and Branchipodopsis wolfi. PCR amplification was possible for some loci in some of the additional species tested despite considerable genetic divergence.

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