Peter in Antarctica- Weddell Seal Stories

ZAPOL, Warren; Harvard Medical SChool: Peter in Antarctica- Weddell Seal Stories

The presentation will describe Peter Hochachka’s role in a multi-disciplinary group studying the diving physiology and metabolism of the Antarctic Weddell Seal. These studies stretched from 1977 until 1992 and were pivotal in our understanding of the diving reflex and its metabolic and physiological consequences. Beginning in a series of pioneering studies of laboratory diving, Peter helped us to transition to free diving, motivated and helped us obtain funds to build and utilize the first microprocessor recorder and arterial blood sampler of free diving Weddell seals, and collaborated in the analyses of the first blood samples drawn during free diving beneath the Antarctic fast ice of McMurdo Sound near Ross Island (78 degrees S). Peter continued his collaboration with later studies of continuous myoglobin-02 reflectance oximetry during free diving. His many contributions to the collaborative seal studies will be highlighted and his remarkably creative and motivating scientific contributions described.

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