Meeting Abstract
19.3 Monday, Jan. 4 Parental behavior in pythons is dependent on both the hydric and thermal dynamics of the nest STAHLSCHMIDT, Z.R.*; DENARDO, D.F.; Arizona State Univ., Tempe zs@asu.edu
Parental behavior is instrumental to the success of a diverse array of taxa, and female-only nest attendance is particularly widespread. Python egg-brooding behavior is an intriguing example of female-only nest attendance because it significantly influences several variables critical to embryonic development, namely embryonic predation, hydration, respiration, and temperature. During brooding, females predominately adopt a tightly coiled posture that reduces the exchange of heat, water vapor, O2, and CO2 between the nest and clutch environment which benefits water balance at the cost of embryonic respiration. To determine the plasticity of this important behavior, we manipulated nest temperature and humidity while monitoring nest-clutch thermal, hydric, and respiratory relationships to test the hypothesis that female Children’s pythons (Antaresia childreni) modify their egg-brooding behavior due to an interaction between environmental thermal and hydric conditions. During moderate and high nest humidity treatments (23 and 32 g/m3 H2O, respectively), females spent more time coiling tightly when the nest was cooling than when it was warming which benefited clutch temperature. However, brooding females in low humidity nest environments (13 g/m3 H2O) showed a high frequency of tight coiling even when the nest was warming; thus, nest temperature and humidity had an interactive effect on egg-brooding behavior in support of our hypothesis. Our results also suggest that certain egg-brooding behaviors (i.e., postural adjustments) are more energetically costly to females than other behaviors (i.e., tight coiling). To conclude, we provide empirical support for the significance of python egg-brooding behavior which provides insight into the significance of female-only nest attendance, in general.