Parasitoid wasp community dynamics in vineyards following insecticide application

January 3 – Febuary 28, 2021

Meeting Abstract

90-10  Sat Jan 2  Parasitoid wasp community dynamics in vineyards following insecticide application Schindler, BY*; Gavish-Regev, E; Keasar, T; University of Haifa, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Hebrew University of Jerusalem; University of Haifa

In order to integrate parasitoid wasps in agroecosystems as biological control agents, we need to understand how insecticides affect the parasitoids in the crops and their surroundings. We investigated the non-target effect of indoxacarb, an insecticide commonly used against European grapevine moth, on parasitoid wasp communities in wine vineyards. We focused on characterizing: 1. The dynamics of common wasp species, and 2. Wasp abundance and species richness in the vineyard center, edge, and nearby natural area. Five Israeli vineyards, with neighboring natural areas were sampled before, and in the week after, indoxacarb applications. We expected initial negative effects of spraying in the vineyard with some effect of drift in the natural habitat, followed by recovery, first in natural areas, then at the vineyard edge and finally in the center. Sticky traps were hung at the vineyard edge and center to evaluate migration into and out of the vineyard. Vacuum sampling was used to obtain parasitoid total abundance and species richness, and the abundances of four common species (50% of the wasps collected). In the vacuum samples, total wasp abundance and richness declined after spraying in the vineyards’ margins and center but rose over time in the natural area. A Trichogramma sp., which parasitizes lepidopteran eggs, and was dominant in the vineyard, declined after spraying and did not recover within a week. In the sticky traps, wasps were more abundant at the vineyard edge than center, with no effect of time since spraying. These results suggest that indoxacarb harms (either directly or indirectly) vineyard parasitoids, which use nearby natural habitat as refuge. We found no evidence for recolonization of the vineyards from the non-crop habitat within a week after spraying.

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