Ontogentic changes in crustacean larval behavior contributions to transport and metamorphosis

Forward, R.B.: Ontogentic changes in crustacean larval behavior: contributions to transport and metamorphosis

Larval development of many estuarine decapod crustaceans occurs in coastal/oceanic areas. Thus, larvae are transported seaward from estuaries for development and then shoreward and up-estuaries to nursery areas as post-larvae. This paper will focus on selective tidal stream transport (STST) as the mechanism for horizontal movement in estuarine areas. The behavior underlying STST varies with species and is based on either a biological rhythm in activity or behavioral responses to environmental factors associated with tides. Transport of post-larvae terminates upon settlement and metamorphosis in nursery areas. Both positive (e.g. odor from conspecifics and aquatic vegetation) and negative (e.g. ammonium, hypoxia, predator odor) cues for habitat selection and metamorphosis will be considered.

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