Meeting Abstract
P3.41 Thursday, Jan. 6 Neuronal corticosteroid receptor distribution in invasive and native passerine species of the Tibetan plateau DAVIS, J.E.*; FOLTZ, S. L.; WANG, G.; LEI, F.; MEDDLE, S.L.; WINGFIELD, J.C.; Radford University; Virginia Tech; University of Kentucky; Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Edinburgh; University of California, Davis jdavis319@radford.edu
The Tibetan plateau presents a uniquely challenging environment for passerine birds. However, a number of native and invasive species survive and even thrive there. Previous studies have demonstrated that several of these species display particular, seasonally variable hormone profiles and behavioral response patterns. We collected brain tissue from native white-rumped (Montifringalla taczanowski) and rufous-necked snowfinches (Montifringalla ruficollis) as well as invasive Eurasian tree sparrows (Passer montanus) in both the winter non-breeding and summer breeding seasons. In situ hybridization of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors was conducted on sections of this tissue. Here we present the results of a density analysis of hippocampal receptor distribution, and discuss its relationship to behaviors and plasma hormone levels.