Meeting Abstract
53.1 Thursday, Jan. 6 Neuroadaptive control algorithms for autonomous chemical plume tracking VOLYANSKYY, K.*; WEBSTER, D.R.; WEISSBURG, M.J.; Georgia Inst. of Techn., Atlanta; Georgia Inst. of Techn., Atlanta; Georgia Inst. of Techn., Atlanta gtg891s@mail.gatech.edu
We designed and implemented a series of adaptive controllers for autonomous chemical plume tracking in a turbulent flow environment. In our design we focused on development of a signal processing strategy capable of replicating behavioral responses of actively tracking blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) to chemical stimuli. Simultaneous visualizations of crab tracking and odor signal structure allowed us to develop a command generation unit for a robot tracking the source of a plume via motion in two directions (i.e., forward-back and left-right). The geometric arrangement of the sensors is an essential part in our bio-inspired design, and allowed us to capitalize on particularly advantageous signal environments in a manner similar to that of a foraging crab. We used experimental data set of blue crab behavior to generate information processing algorithms based on signal characteristics such as odor concentration above background, stimulation of multiple vs single chemosensory appendages, and stimulation frequency. Like animal strategies, the developed control algorithm is dynamic in nature. This property allows it to function effectively in highly irregular turbulent environment and produces adaptive adjustments of motion to minimize the distance to the source of a plume.