Meeting Abstract
P2.84 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Modeling muscle force biochemically accurately and computationally efficiently HAUZE, A E*; DING, Z; ROOT, R G; Lafayette College; Lafayette College; Lafayette College hauzea@lafayette.edu
Mathematical models of muscle force generation typically trade off accurate representation of the conversion of chemical to mechanical energy with computational efficiency or analytical tractability. This model attains a compromise between the two, incorporating the primary biochemical features while offering computational ease adequate for inclusion in larger scale models of vertebrate physiology. The model incorporates five states of the actin-myosin binding cycle transitions amongst them based on experimentally determined kinetics. Despite this relative sophistication, the model is implemented computationally so that it can evolve the state of several sarcomeres in real time on a single processor. We demonstrate that the model replicates basic features of muscle behavior, including adherence to Hill’s Law and realistic transition from relaxation to tetanus.