Meeting Abstract
P3.72 Saturday, Jan. 5 Modeling interaction between Mauthner cells and central pattern generators HO, L L*; KUNEC, S; ROOT, R G; Lafayette College; Worcester State College; Lafayette College
Mauthner cells initiate the fast-start response to threatening stimuli in fish. This response requires abrupt reactions from neurons comprising the central pattern generator (CPG). We offer a simple model of a central pattern generator including response to Mauthner stimulation. The mathematical model couples Morris-Lecar systems, representing contralateral motor neurons within a CPG, using synapses. The Mauthner cell systems create a stimulus pattern matching experimental data for fast-starts. This model reflects robust CPG behavior and realistic motor neuron responses to the Mauthner cells. The simplicity and verisimilitude of the model suggest that the Mauthner cell/CPG architecture of early vertebrates might have been comparably simple.