Meeting Abstract
Mitochondrial function requires the coordinated expression of dozens of gene products from the mitochondrial genome and hundreds from the nuclear genomes. The systems that emerge from these interactions convert the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe into energy for life, while regulating a wide range of other cellular processes. These facts beg the question of whether the gene-by-gene interactions (GxG) that enable mitochondrial function are distinct from the gene-by-environment interactions (GxE) that fuel mitochondrial activity. We examine this question using a Drosophila model of mitonuclear interactions in which experimental combinations of mtDNA and nuclear chromosomes generate pairs of mitonuclear genotypes to test for epistatic interactions (GxG). These mitonuclear genotypes are then exposed to altered dietary or oxygen environments to test for GxE interactions. We use development time to assess dietary effects, and genome wide RNAseq analyses to assess hypoxic effects on transcription, which can be partitioned in to mito, nuclear, and environmental (GxGxE) contributions to these complex traits. We find that mitonuclear epistasis is universal, and that dietary and hypoxic treatments alter the epistatic interactions. We further show that the transcriptional response to alternative mitonuclear interactions has significant overlap with the transcriptional response to alternative oxygen environments. Gene coexpression analyses suggest that these shared genes are more central in networks of gene interactions, implying some functional overlap between epistasis and genotype by environment interactions. These results are discussed in the context of evolutionary fitness, the genetic basis of complex traits, and the challenge of mapping genotypes in to phenotypes.