Meeting Abstract
34.6 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Mechanisms driving winner and loser effects in the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) GARCIA, Mark J*; EARLEY, Ryan L; University of Alabama; University of Alabama mjgarcia@crimson.ua.edu
Fighting experience can alter an individual’s probability of winning future contests; victory begets victory (winner effect) while defeat begets defeat (loser effect). The presence, magnitude, and persistence of winner/loser effects have been studied in many taxa but the mechanism(s) through which fighting experience alters future winning probabilities is still unclear. Two predominant hypotheses posit that fighting experience either alters an individual’s actual fighting ability or its perception of its fighting ability. We addressed these hypotheses and potential physiological mechanisms driving experience effects in green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis). Focal individuals were given a pre-determined loss/win in a primary contest against significantly larger/smaller animals, respectively. Following the primary contest focal individuals were 1) processed immediately to examine changes in tissue metabolism, 2) processed 2d later, or 3) given a secondary contest prior to processing. To determine whether perceived and/or actual fighting ability is altered by social experience, we examined changes in motivational state (i.e. willingness to initiate/escalate) and the probability of victory in non-escalated and/or escalated secondary contests. Assays of metabolic physiology (e.g. lactate, glycogen, glucose) were conducted on muscle, liver, and plasma to determine whether energetic state could drive changes in motivational state and/or the probability of victory in secondary contests. Results reveal a significant loser effect but no significant winner effect in the green anole. Behavioral analysis and metabolic assays are underway with the goal of exploring whether social experience alters perceived or actual fighting ability, and the behavioral and physiological mechanisms underlying these changes.