Magnetically induced migratory fuelling in juvenile wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe)

Meeting Abstract

P2.35  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Magnetically induced migratory fuelling in juvenile wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) BOSTRÖM, J.**; FRANSSON, T.; HENSHAW, I.; JAKOBSSON, S.; KULLBERG, C.; ÅKESSON, S.; Lund University, Lund, Sweden; Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden; Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Most migratory birds are believed to rely on an endogenous migration program during their first autumn migration. This program tells them, among other things, when to fuel and how much fat to accumulate in preparation for the different flight steps. Recent studies have shown that external factors, such as the magnetic field experienced, can also influence fuelling decisions in naive migrants.

I will present data from a suite of experiments where naive wheatears have experienced magnetic displacements and their body mass increase and food intake have been monitored. One group was kept in the local geomagnetic field as a control, whereas other groups were exposed to shifted magnetic fields, corresponding to geographical locations either along their population specific migration route or parallel to the west of their natural route. Underlying causes of different fuelling responses will be discussed.

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