Local Scale Population Structure of the Common Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus)

TIBBELS, A.E.**; MORENO, A.; MCCRACKEN, G.F.; University of Tennessee; Instituto Tecnol�gico de Cd. Victoria; University of Tennessee: Local Scale Population Structure of the Common Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus).

We examined mitochondrial genetic variation of common vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) in western Tamaulipas, Mexico. The Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains, of Tamaulipas, are dissected by steep ridges and narrow valleys. Each valley is cut by an active creek, with farms and potential bat roosts distributed therein. Populations of D. rotundus, were sampled to characterize demographically significant units, as determined by the scale of genetic structure. We sequenced the hyper-variable mitochondrial control region from approximately 100 individuals, collected from 10 locales within Tamaulipas. Desmodus rotundus commonly forms polygynous mating groups of one adult male and a small number of females. Females typically remain in natal roosts, while juvenile males disperse to other colonies. Long distance dispersal in D. rotundus is uncommon. We hypothesize that there will not be significant structure among populations within valleys, but significant matrilineal structure across populations of different valleys.

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