Meeting Abstract
The English language is not gender neutral. For instance, the word virile characterizes sexual strength and energy, positive traits in females and males, but its synonyms are manly, masculine, or male. English has no equivalent word for female sexual strength and energy. Since English is currently the established language of science, then, logically, science is also not gender neutral. For example, the word egg conflates the female gamete (an ovum) with the product of conception (a zygote), thus obscuring the independent contribution of females to conception. In addition, value judgements infuse the language of reproductive medicine. That bias alters how patients and doctors view the process. For example, the term ‘miscarriage’ suggests the mother is at fault for miscarrying the fetus, when, more likely, the fetus itself was defective. ‘Gestational-loss’ or ‘pregnancy loss’ are more value-neutral terms for the same process. This poster will review a variety gender-biased or value-laden terms and suggest some gender- or value-neutral substitutes.