103-5 Sat Jan 2 Kinematic comparisons between mudskipper fins and salamander limbs during terrestrial locomotion Quigley, ZM*; Blob, RW; Kawano, SM; George Washington Univ.; Clemson Univ.; George Washington Univ. zmgquigley@gwu.edu
Amphibious salamanders and fishes are often used as functional analogues for tetrapodomorphs to model the evolution of terrestriality. Although terrestrial salamanders have been the primary taxon used to model the locomotion of stem tetrapods, recent paleontological analyses show that the terrestrial locomotion of any early tetrapod, Ichthyostega, was more comparable to ‘crutching’ in mudskipper fish. Kinetic data published on tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) and African mudskippers (Periophthalmus barbarus) indicated that the ground reaction forces were inclined more medially in mudskipper pectoral fins, which might elevate bending stresses in the fin bones. However, kinematic data are needed to test whether loading regimes differ between fins and limbs. To compare the function of fins and limbs during terrestrial locomotion, we quantified the 3D kinematics of mudskipper pectoral fins and then compared these to published data on A. tigrinum forelimbs. Preliminary results show kinematic differences between these pectoral appendages. For example, the pectoral fin is more extended than the forelimb during stance. In the fin joint that is functionally analogous to the wrist in salamanders, maximum flexion reaches a similar magnitude but occurs earlier in mudskippers. These kinematic differences and the ‘hyper sprawling’ fin posture of mudskippers help explain what may be driving kinetic differences published between two functional analogues for early tetrapods. These data provide a foundation for estimating bone stresses in mudskipper fins during terrestrial locomotion compared to salamander limbs, providing insights into whether locomotor performance is driven by functional innovation due to structural changes (fins vs. limbs) or mechanical similarity due to many-to-one mapping.