Introduction to genomic perspectives in comparative physiology of mollusks Integration across disciplines

January 3 – Febuary 28, 2021

Meeting Abstract

S2-1  Mon Jan 4 10:15 – 10:30  Introduction to genomic perspectives in comparative physiology of mollusks: Integration across disciplines Neiman, M*; Matoo, O; University of Iowa; University of Nebraska

Characterizing the genetic pathways that affect ecological success and evolutionary fitness in natural environments and populations in increasingly important in the face of global climate change. Connecting genotypes and genomic variation to functional and ecological consequences demands tools and concepts from a diverse set of fields including molecular biology, physiology, quantitative genetics, ecology, and evolutionary biology. This type of integrated approach will help to identify and decouple genetic vs. plastic underpinnings of ecologically relevant functional variation and characterize the ecological consequences of that variation. Achieving this ambitious goal will require collaboration across disciplines as well openness to learning new concepts, methodologies, and tools. This symposium is designed to address these challenges both with respect to and with the example of mollusks, with the specific aim of integrating genomics data with the ecophysiology of mollusks. We will provide an interdisciplinary platform for scientists to present and discuss recent research bridging the gap between these two communities for a comprehensive understanding of mollusk biology. Our goal is to bring together experts in these two disciplines of mollusk biology to provide an unprecedented opportunity for knowledge exchange, discussion, and catalysis of new partnerships. The talks our symposium will feature will focus on a wide range of ecologically important concepts and traits including but not limited to immune function to symbiosis, mitochondrial performance, and host-parasite interactions, and will be united by their use or application of genomic techniques and resources.

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