Meeting Abstract
A growing number of researchers work at the interface of organisms and their environment. Too often, academic scientists overlook insights that organismal, or functional, biologists can bring to the understanding of natural history, ecology, and conservation of species. Likewise, natural resource managers are frequently concerned with population sizes, while ignoring key functional traits that might explain fluctuations in population size. Our intention for this symposium is: 1) bring to light current and future research in functional and ecological morphology that also involve issues of concern to wildlife management and conservation, and 2) show how such studies can result in measurable outputs useful to regulatory agencies. Symposium topics will reveal past, present, and future collaborations between functional morphologists/biomechanists and conservation/wildlife biologists. Presenters will demonstrate specifically how data gathered to address fundamental academic questions regarding the causes and consequences of organismal form and function can also help address issues of conservation and wildlife management.