Incubation temperature and maternal effects on thermal physiology in Ambystoma mexicanum

January 3 – Febuary 28, 2021

Meeting Abstract

65-6  Sat Jan 2  Incubation temperature and maternal effects on thermal physiology in Ambystoma mexicanum Spranger, RR*; Sinervo, BR; University of California, Santa Cruz; University of California, Santa Cruz

Endemic organisms, especially aquatic species with no ability to migrate, face extreme effects from climate change. One possible escape route is via maternal effects, but little is known about how amphibian mothers influence their offsprings’ thermal traits. Facing thermal stress, a mother may program her progeny to cope with higher temperatures in the next generation, and then we would see between-generation plasticity. We study how Mexican Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, mothers’ might influence their offspring’s thermal physiology through between-generation plasticity and incubation temperature. I genetically crossed A. mexicanum in a half-sibling design by pairing males with females from 18 and 21 C treatments to measure effects on progeny’s thermal preference and critical thermal maximum. I measure maternal effect-driven plasticity among full-siblings from dams, while half-siblings are used to estimate additive genetic effects. Eggs were divided among 18 and 21 C treatments to measure effects of incubation temperature. We ran the offspring through thermal preference trials at 5 and 19 days old, and after dividing in a block design, at 33 days old, and then performed critical thermal maximum trials. By integrating thermal physiology with microclimate data to create hours of restriction functions, I model species persistence to understand how maternal effects influence extinction risk. Our preliminary results show that incubation temperature and mother’s temperature affect offspring thermal preference. We also present a current extinction risk model for A. mexicanum with and without rescue from maternal effects. If between-generation acclimation can occur, it could be a potential mechanism to rescue ectotherms from climate warming.

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