Meeting Abstract
What determines whether prey escape pursuit predators? To answer this question, biologists have developed mathematical models that incorporate geometries of attack, pursuit and escape trajectories, and relative kinematic performance of predator and prey. However, these models have rarely been tested with data from actual predation-prey events. To address this problem we recorded multi-camera infrared videography of bat-insect interactions in a large outdoor enclosure. We recorded 235 attacks by four Myotis volans bats on a variety of moths and 50 high-quality attacks were reconstructed in 3-D. Despite bats having higher maximum velocity, deceleration, and overall turning ability, prey escaped 115 of 184 attacks (62.5%) in which evasive maneuvering was present. Bats captured nearly all moths (50 of 51; 98%) not evading attack. Existing escape models failed to accurately reflect prey behavior or predict the outcomes of attacks. In contrast, prey radial acceleration and escape angle correctly classified the outcomes of 44 of 50 attacks (88%). Based on these findings and prey behavior we developed a novel geometrical model of predation that incorporates predator reaction time, relative prey turning ability and velocity, and escape angle. We discuss implications of our predation model for the co-evolution of predator and prey pursuit and escape strategies.