Meeting Abstract
P3.72 Sunday, Jan. 6 Hepatic Protein Expression, Endocrine Disruption, and Relationships to Contaminant Exposures in Wild English Sole in Coastal Southern California WAGGONER, C.M.*; REYES, J.A.; ARMSTRONG, J.L.; ALLEN, B.J.; KELLEY, K.M.; California State University, Long Beach; California State University, Long Beach; Orange County Sanitation District; California State University, Long Beach; California State University, Long Beach Claire.Waggoner@gmail.com
A variety of anthropogenic contaminants have been measured in the tissues of English sole and other fish residing in urban-impacted coastal waters of southern California. Contaminant exposures in these fish are being linked to potentially deleterious phenotypic changes, including altered endocrine pathways, detoxification responses, and physiological systemic effects (e.g., on metabolism, growth, reproduction). Findings also indicate that different types of phenotypic effects are significantly correlated with exposures to specific classes of contaminants. Increasing concentrations of chlordanes in fish are significantly related to thyroid disruption, while certain polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and biphenyl are instead related to disruption of the stress-response (cortisol) endocrine system. Using 2D gel electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometry to identify and measure protein expression in tissues of impacted fish, it has been found that detoxification processes (e.g., in GST, Se-binding protein), metabolic adaptation (e.g., catabolic enzyme changes), cellular acclimation (e.g., HSPs, signaling, cell structure), and oxidative stress (e.g., catalase, peroxiredoxin) processes may be impacted, among others. These changes are correlated with different types of endocrine disruption and contaminant exposures. An integrative analytical approach, based on multiple measures, is pointing to possible underlying mechanisms of environmental effects and their potential causative agents. (Supported by NOAA-USC Sea Grant Program and CSU COAST).