Geographic Distribution of Fishes with Cranial Spines

Meeting Abstract

P2-239  Saturday, Jan. 5 15:30 – 17:30  Geographic Distribution of Fishes with Cranial Spines PENROD, LM; Florida Institute of Technology

Over the past several decades, research has investigated the role of spines in many forms of life. In most cases, the role of spines is to prevent predation, but what about the small, spine-like, projections on the cranium of fish? These spines and ridges vary in shape and size across species, and are unlikely to be anti-predatory. Before investigating the functional role cranial spines play in the life of fishes, we must understand how these fish interact with their environment. Specifically, we must know where these fish reside and what environmental factors are associated with their presence. I identified over 400 species around the world that exhibit this trait. Spatial models highlight a species richness in the North Sea while predictive models indicate that depth, temperature, productivity, and current are significantly related to the presence of fish with cranial spines. After reviewing the results, we believe that the function of these spines may be related to current.

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