Meeting Abstract
P2.105 Monday, Jan. 5 Functional change of appendage in ostracode ontogeny KAJI, Tomonari; Shizuoka Univ., JAPAN su26su29su31@hotmail.co.jp
Exoskeleton of arthropodes is re-created at every molting period. Accordingly, the external morphology metamorphoses intermittently through molting. On the other hand, in some crustaceans generally, function of appendage metamorphoses intermittently through ontogeny. Therefore, intermittent change of function requires that of correlation because function of appendage depends on the integrated correlation between exoskeleton and muscles in each appendage. Cypridocopain ostracodes change one of appendages functionally from a walking leg to a maxilliped through the molting growth. In this study, the 3-D structures of exoskeletal-muscular systems were observed by the confocal laser-scanning microscope in some species of Cypridocopina. As a result, it is shown that the musclar system (arrangement of muscles) is not changed by the functional change of appendage. I can conclude that the intermittent change of correlation in the crustacean appendage is assured by the exoskeletal metamorphosis rather than the change of musclar system.