Meeting Abstract
54.3 Thursday, Jan. 6 Form-function relationship between ray skeletal architecture and ray locomotion RUSSO, R/S*; BLEMKER, S/S; FISH, F; MOORED, K; BART-SMITH, H; University of Virginia; University of Virginia; West Chester University; University of Virginia; University of Virginia rsr4q@virginia.edu
Rays within the myliobatoidae family exhibit compelling differences in their skeletal architecture that are seemingly correlated with ray locomotion. To explore these phenomena, the skeletal structure of two ray species are being studied, the Dasyatis Sabina (Atlantic ray) and the Rhinoptera Bonasus (Cownose ray). These species were selected due to their similarities in evolutionary history and biological morphology, but most notably for their contrast in swimming style. The Cownose ray swims by oscillating or flapping its wings while the Atlantic ray swims by undulating its wings by passing multiple waves along its body. To begin this study, computed tomography (CT) scans of each species were taken to reveal the underlying cartilage structure that forms the ray skeleton. Data was then collected from these scans to quantify the skeletal morphometry of each ray. These data were used as the foundation for developing a computational biomechanical model to establish an interface between biology and engineering. The model couples an underlying cartilage arrangement with different swimming styles in order to elucidate the role of skeletal architecture on swimming kinematics. Preliminary results from the model suggest that the skeletal structure of a given ray is designed to meet the ray’s performance demands in the most efficient way possible. The model predicts significant material straining in the skeletal connective tissue when a skeletal architecture is forced to perform a motion that is not observed in nature (e.g., Cownose ray performing undulatory motions). These results imply that for a predefined architecture certain motions are not energetically favorable to perform a given function. Ultimately, we intend to use the results of the study to inform the mechanical design of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs).