Meeting Abstract
25.1 Monday, Jan. 4 Forelimb dynamics and kinetics during landing jumps in African pygmy Goats (Capra hircus) YOO, E.H.*; CARROLL, A.M.; BIEWENER, A.A.; Harvard University; University of Evansville; Harvard University edwinyoo@gmail.com
Studies of jumping behavior have primarily focused on long jumps and climbing jumps that raise the center of mass. Previous jumping behavior studies have focused their analysis on the function of the hind limb as the primary source of propulsion. In contrast, landing jumps require the use of forelimbs and have received far less attention. To explore the dynamics and kinetics of forelimb during landing jumps, we collected kinematics and ground reaction force data from a single forelimb of three adult male African Pygmy goats (Capra hircus) performing landing jumps from a 1.3 m platform using high-speed video and force plates. Inverse dynamics analysis was used to calculate external power, work, and moments for elbow, wrist, and metacarpal joints. This research was partially funded by the National Science Foundation IGERT Grant DGE #0221682