Meeting Abstract
The animal personality hypothesis predicts that animals have limited behavioral plasticity, leading to consistent among-individual differences in behavioral responses. Previous work suggests that animal personality has broad implications for a suite of inter and intra-specific interactions. However, it remains unclear how external factors (e.g., food availability) and habituation contribute to the development and maintenance of distinct personalities. In this study, we examined the plasticity of two behaviors (i.e., boldness and exploration) in a freshwater snail (Helisoma trivolvis). We manipulated food availability and environment and thereby investigated (1) whether behaviors are state-dependent, (2) whether food availability influences habituation of behavioral responses after repeated exposures to a particular environment, and 3) whether altered behavioral responses are permanent (i.e., growth-dependent) or flexible (i.e., environment-dependent). To do so, we measured latency to emerge from shell to assign snails to bold or shy personality types. We then measured latency to emerge from shell (i.e., boldness) and activity in a novel environment (i.e., exploration) in snails after 0, 7, and 14 d of ad lib or restricted feeding. At 15 d we measured latency to emerge in a new novel environment. Regardless of food treatment, latency to emerge decreased after 14 d in all snails (i.e., snails became more bold), but introduction to a novel environment on day 15 caused snails to return to shy behaviors. Activity level was constant during the experiment for snails fed ad lib, but decreased in food-restricted snails. Activity was correlated with mass, whereas latency to emerge from shell was not correlated with mass. These data suggest that although individuals may habituate to novel environments, personality traits are retained when introduced to a new novel environment, and exploration is a state-dependent trait.