Flower discrimination by pollinators in a dynamic chemical environment

Meeting Abstract

62.2  Monday, Jan. 5 13:45  Flower discrimination by pollinators in a dynamic chemical environment RIFFELL, J.A.; University of Washington jriffell@uw.edu

Pollinators use their sense of smell to locate flowers from long distances, but little is known about how they are able to discriminate their target odor from a mélange of other natural and anthropogenic odors. Here, we measured the plume from Datura wrightii flowers, a nectar resource for Manduca sexta moths, and show that the scent was dynamic and rapidly embedded among background odors. The moth’s ability to track the odor was dependent on the background and odor frequency. By influencing the balance of excitation and inhibition in the antennal lobe, background odors altered the neuronal representation of the target odor and the ability of the moth to track the plume. These results show that the mix of odors present in the environment influence the pollinator’s olfactory ability.

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