Experimentally decoding the forces of butterflyfish on anchored prey

January 3 – Febuary 28, 2021

Meeting Abstract

P21-10  Sat Jan 2  Experimentally decoding the forces of butterflyfish on anchored prey Romero, JA*; Wainwright, P; Stuart, H; UC Berkeley; UC Davis; UC Berkeley romeroja@berkeley.edu

Coral-feeding fishes utilize intricate jaw structures and motion profiles for specialized substrate feeding. Additionally, they are capable of employing suction feeding or whole-body maneuvers when interacting with prey. Prior studies with live corallivores have focused primarily on video observation, and have not measured external biting forces in multiple axes. To characterize the interactive behaviors of such fishes, we study the sunburst butterflyfish (Chaetodon kleinii), a facultative corallivore that browses corals to remove polyps with minimal damage to the skeleton (Rotjan, Lewis, MEPS, 2008). We present an experimental system to characterize the bite of these corallivores by synchronously capturing high speed video (2 kHz framerate) and force/torque data in 6 axes (20 kHz sampling). The apparatus is designed such that an appropriate coral substrate or other food source can be rigidly mounted to the force transducer and then submerged for feeding measurements. We seek to explore both dorsal and lateral views of feeding. Preliminary video data shows that C. kleinii, as expected, extend both premaxilla and mandible prior to biting, and incorporate whole-body movements during substrate biting. This new experimental method yields more holistic analysis of butterflyfish biting mechanics through a timeseries pairing of motion and force in three-dimensional space. This opens the possibility of disambiguating hydrodynamic and inertial forces or examining the presence of brushing and suction actions during benthic feeding. Initial data shows peak forces on the order of 0.5 N, predominantly in the anterior direction, and biting events on the order of 100 ms. This work is projected to motivate design and control principles for biophysical modeling of corallivory and future application to bio-inspired coral sampling.

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