Meeting Abstract
S1.3-4 Saturday, Jan. 4 15:00 Epigenetics in Ecotoxicology HEAD, JA*; BASU, N; McGill University; McGill University niladri.basu@mcgill.ca
An enormous amount of biomedical research has been focused on epigenetics in recent years. This wave is just beginning to hit the field of ecotoxicology, and the potential is exciting. The concepts behind epigenetics will generate ideas in many areas of ecotoxicology from basic scientific understanding of mechanisms of action, to risk assessment and policy. Similarly, ecotoxicology has a lot to offer the field of epigenetics, including opportunities to test hypotheses under real-world conditions, and a wealth of organisms to study with wide-ranging physiologies and ecological adaptations. In this presentation we will highlight what we consider to be some of the most interesting and promising implications of epigenetics for ecotoxicology (and vice versa). A theoretical discussion as well as specific examples (when available) will focus on the role of epigenetics in ecotoxicology, including the temporal disconnect between exposure and disease, tracking the efficacy of bioremediation efforts, and epigenetic endpoints as generalized or even stressor-specific biomarkers.