Meeting Abstract
P2.57 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Effects of Wnt pathway activation on Larval Cloning in the Sand Dollar, Dendraster excentricus FLORES, Erica B*; SWALLA, Billie J; College of Charleston; University of Washington ebflores@edisto.cofc.edu
The regenerative capability of adult echinoderms is a fascinating phenomenon and their larvae also possess this ability. In addition, most echinoderm classes have been shown to clone themselves by budding. In order to understand the molecular signaling involved in cloning, Dendraster excentricus larvae were exposed to lithium chloride, a known activator of the Wnt pathway. The Wnt signaling pathway is important for cell fate specification and the maintenance of stem cell populations. Is this the pathway utilized by developing echinoderm larvae to clone themselves? In order to answer this question, D. excentricus larvae were exposed to 25mM LiCl, as well as low, medium, and high algal food concentrations. Every two days cultures were sampled to determine larval density and search for budding or clones. Clones were discovered in LiCl treated larvae, suggesting Wnt pathway activation. This project can help give insight into the molecular mechanisms of stem cell regulation.