DNA Isolation Making an Introductory Biology Lab Universally Accessible

WHEATLY, M.G.*; WOOD, T.: DNA Isolation: Making an Introductory Biology Lab Universally Accessible.

Creating Laboratory Access for Science Students (The CLASS Project) is an NSF-funded initiative to train educators in the thought processes that are required to develop lab exercises and field trips that are universally accessible. In an attempt to reach a broader audience, we are developing videotaped resources aimed at professional development of educators at all levels (pre- and inservice teachers, college professors). The videotape that will be premiered involves a routine introductory laboratory procedure (isolating DNA) and how this exercise can be accommodated for a student with a motor impairment. The vignette will unfold and be paused for small group discussion. The tape will then be played to resolution and input from the audience will be solicited. Other CLASS products will be introduced. Supported by NSF grants DUE/CCD 9653121 and 0089396. http://biology.wright.edu/labgrant/index.html.

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