Distribution of four Pardosa-species (Lycosidae, Araneae) along an altitudinal transect on Disko-Island, West-Greenland

NICKEL, M; K�HNLE, M; WINDEISEN, V; Stuttgart University, Germany: Distribution of four Pardosa-species (Lycosidae, Araneae) along an altitudinal transect on Disko-Island, West-Greenland

We collected 150 spiders of the Genus Pardosa along an altitudinal transect on Disko-Island in West Greenland in August 2003. The transect started in Lyngmark-Bay and went up towards Lyngmark-Field, ending in Akuarut-Valley, including 5 stations (St0 � St4) at altitudinal steps of 100 m. Collections where done twice at each station, one in the morning, one in the afternoon. We found all four greenlandic Pardosa-species: P. groenlandica (P.gr.; holarctic), P. glacialis (P.gl.; holarctic), P. furcifera (P.f.; nearctic, subarctic) and P. hyperborea (P.h.; holarctic), showing the following distribution: St0 (69�15.47’N 53�32.65’W, altitude 0m, N=30), P.gl. 0.233, P.gr. 0.133, P.f. 0.634, P.h. 0.0; St1 (69�15.79’N 53�32.80’W, altitude 100m, N=29), P.gl. 0.724, P.gr. 0.276, P.f. 0.0, P.h. 0.0; St2 (69�15.93’N 53�33.06’W, altitude 200m, N=33), P.gl. 0.576, P.gr. 0.272, P.f. 0.0, P.h. 0.152; St3 (69�16.02’N 53�33.18’W, altitude 300m, N=32), P.gl. 0.844, P.gr. 0.156, P.f. 0.0, P.h. 0.0; St4 (69�16.21’N 53�33.79’W, altitude 400m, N=26), P.gl. 0.769, P.gr. 0.231, P.f. 0.0, P.h. 0.0; P. hyperborea has not been reported from Disko-Island before, but is known to occur up to 70�N in East-Greenland. P. furcifera is mainly distributed in S- to SW-Greenland. We only found specimens at St1 (sealevel, near a stream of a homothermic spring). In comparison at Orpiit (69�35.32’N 53�26.46’W, Disko-Fjord system, sealevel, homothermic spring area) no P. furcifera was found. St1 represents one of the northernmost known populations in Greenland. Similarities between specimens of P. glacialis and P. furcifera, and the variability of the later, hamper determination. We suggest to check for synonymity using molecular genetics.

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