Dispersal behavior of mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki

ALEMADI, S.D.*; JENKINS, D.G.; Uinv. of Central Florida, Orlando; Uinv. of Central Florida, Orlando: Dispersal behavior of mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki

Mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki are native to Florida but invasive elsewhere, and a dominant predator in ecosystems they enter. Information on dispersal behavior will help better understand and predict mosquitofish metapopulation dynamics and invasions. I experimentally tested individual mosquitofish dispersal behavior under a range of laboratory conditions relevant to mosquitofish dispersal in the field. A series of experiments were conducted to test for the following factors affecting net swimming rate: habitat of origin (permanent vs. temporary waters), hunger, reproductive status (i.e. male, female, juvenile), water depth, and leaf litter type (upland vs. wetland). Statistical analysis (ANOVA) of each experiment informed experimental design of subsequent experiments in the series. Major factors limiting mosquitofish dispersal include water depth, litter presence and reproductive status.

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