Dietary antioxidants and flight exercise affect how female birds allocate nutrients to eggs how carry-over effects work

Meeting Abstract

122-7  Sunday, Jan. 8 09:30 – 09:45  Dietary antioxidants and flight exercise affect how female birds allocate nutrients to eggs: how carry-over effects work SKRIP, M; SEERAM, N; YUAN, T; MA, H; MCWILLIAMS, S*; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island

Physiological challenges during one part of the annual cycle can carry over and affect performance at a subsequent phase, and antioxidants could be one mediator of trade-offs between phases. We performed a controlled experiment with zebra finches to examine how songbirds use nutrition to manage trade-offs in antioxidant allocation between endurance flight and subsequent reproduction. Our four treatment groups included a factorial combination of exercise/sedentary groups and diet supplemented/non-supplemented groups with the supplement including water- and lipid-soluble antioxidants. After flight training, birds were paired within treatment groups for breeding. We analyzed eggs for lutein and vitamin E concentrations and the plasma of parents throughout the experiment for non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage. Exercised birds had higher oxidative damage levels than non-exercised birds after flight training, despite supplementation with dietary antioxidants. Supplementation with water-soluble antioxidants decreased the deposition of lipid-soluble antioxidants into eggs and decreased yolk size. Flight exercise also lowered deposition of lutein, but not vitamin E, to eggs. These findings have important implications for future studies of wild birds during migration and other oxidative challenges. Supported by NSF (IOS-0748349 & IOS-135417 to S.R.M.), USDA (RIAES-538748 to S.R.M.), and AOU and Sigma Xi student research awards to M.M.S.

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