Meeting Abstract
S8.1-1 Monday, Jan. 6 08:00 Developmental and maternal effects on behavioral plasticity MATEO, Jill M.; The University of Chicago jmateo@uchicago.edu
Social, hormonal and genetic processes interact reciprocally, and differentially affect behavior depending on ecological and social contexts. Multiple developmental processes would be expected when individual differences are favored either between or within environments. Parental effects provide a rich source for phenotypic plasticity, including anatomical, physiological and behavioral traits, because parents respond to dynamic cues in their environment and can influence offspring accordingly. Because these inter-generational changes are plastic, parents can respond rapidly to changing environments and produce offspring whose phenotypes are well suited for current conditions, more rapidly than change based on evolution through natural selection. I will review studies on developmental plasticity and resulting phenotypes in Belding’s ground squirrels (Urocitellus beldingi), an ideal species given their annual cycles of hibernation and intense energy demands, and their need to learn survival behaviors due to high predation. I will show how local environments and perceived predation risk influence not only foraging, vigilance and anti-predator behaviors, but also adrenal functioning, which may be especially important for obligate hibernators that face competing demands on glucose storage and mobilization. Mammalian behavioral development is sensitive to the social and physical environments provided by mothers during gestation and lactation. Therefore maternal effects on offspring phenotypes, both positive and negative, can be particularly strong.