Meeting Abstract
71.5 Friday, Jan. 6 Cryptic species of Archinome (Annelida: Amphinomida) from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. BORDA, Elizabeth*; KUDENOV, Jerry D.; BLAKE, James A.; ALVARADO, Jaime R.; CHEVALDONNé, Pierre; DESBRUYèRES, Daniel; FABRI, Marie-Claire; HOURDEZ, Stephane; PLEIJEL, Fredrik; SCHULZE, Anja; SHANK, Timothy M.; ROUSE, Greg W.; Texas A&M University at Galveston; University of Alaska Anchorage; AECOM; Texas A&M University at Galveston; Centre de Brest de l IFREMER; Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille; Ifremer Méditerranée ; Station Biologique de Roscoff; Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory; Texas A&M University at Galveston; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Scripps Institution of Oceanography bordae@tamug.edu
Since its description from the Galapagos Rift in the late 1980’s, the amphinomid Archinome rosacea (Annelida: Amphinomida) has been recorded from hydrothermal vents in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. In general, specimens are morphologically uniform and thus A. rosacea has been thought to have a cosmopolitan distribution. However, the recent description of a second species and new records from cold methane seeps suggests the need to re-evaluate Archinome from a taxonomic and evolutionary standpoint. This study examines the phylogenetic relationships of specimens identified as Archinome on a broad scale, including samples from the type localities of A. rosacea (Galapagos Rift) and A. storchi (Pacific Antarctic Ridge), as well as specimens from the Costa Rica Margin, Guaymas Basin, East Pacific Rise, Lau and North Fiji Basins, Mid Atlantic and Central Indian Ridges. Our results show that Archinome is monophyletic and includes at least six species, four of which are new to science. In the absence of clear morphological differences among species, the geographic distributions and diagnoses of species are re-delineated on the basis of both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence data and High-Resolution Melting Analysis. Distributional data of Archinome species indicate the potential for long-distance dispersal leading to broad distributions and the ability for larvae to cross a wide bathymetric depth range. Biogeographic connections between vents and seeps are highlighted, as are potential connectivity between populations from vent fields located in the northern Atlantic and Indian Oceans.