Meeting Abstract
The Research Experiences for Undergraduate Program funds undergraduate research activities among institutions across the United States, but only a small percentage of these grants fund international research. Since 2006, the University of Central Oklahoma has been the Principal Investigator Institution for integrative biological studies of the honey bee, Apis mellifera L., in the Republic of Turkey and its border regions. The program integrates the historical and cultural aspects of the geographic regions within which student participants work on their research. Last year (2016), a unique opportunity arose to embed an undergraduate journalism student in the program in order to document and publish activities associated with the project. This effort resulted in two articles in the state of Oklahoma’s largest circulating newspaper, The Oklahoman, which included a front page article on honey bees and an account of the socio-economic circumstances that currently surround this region of the world. In addition, the student had a daily online journal published on The Oklahoman’s website, documenting the research being done by each student and faculty member. During the summer of 2016, student participants witnessed several events that shaped a unique, international experience. By documenting these experiences, the program has drawn a greater connection between the scientific aspects of the project and the context within which international research occurs. We describe these experiences with commentary on the value of journalism in promoting a broader public appeal to the scientific process and its outcomes for society.