Meeting Abstract
86.1 Friday, Jan. 6 Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Intestinal and Pyloric Ceca Mucosa from Fed vs. Starved of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) BAUMGARNER, Bradley/L*; INEROWICZ, Dorota; BROWN, Paul/B; Univ. of North Carolina Wilmington baumgarnerb@uncw.edu
The goal of this study was to use 2-D gel electrophoreses to conduct a comprehensive proteomic analysis of the mucosa from the anterior gut intestinal tract (GIT) and adjoining pyloric ceca (PC) from fed vs. 4 wk starved rainbow trout. A total of 68 proteins, 40 proteins from GIT and 28 proteins from PC, were found to be differentially expressed and subsequently picked for in-gel trypsin digestion and peptide mass fingerprint analysis. Nine of the 21 positively identified proteins were directly related to innate immunity. The expression of alpha-I-antiproteinase decreased in GIT of starved vs. fed fish. Similarly, the level of a single isomer of leukocyte elastase inhibitor (LEI) decreased in the mucosa of GIT and PC of starved fish. However, one isomer of LEI increased in GIT mucosa of starved trout. Additionally, the level of copper/zinc-superoxide dismutase was reduced in PC mucosa of starved vs. fed trout. Also, the level of novel immune-type receptor II decreased, while the level of p-glycopotein increased in GIT mucosa of starved vs. fed fish. Overall, our results seem to indicate a reduced capacity to combat enzymatic and oxidative stress in GIT and PC mucosa of starved trout. In addition starvation may have resulted in increased gut permeability as indicated by an overall reduction most isoforms of keratin 8, which has previously been linked to gut permeability and inflammation in mammals. However, increased expression of p-glycoprotein in GIT mucosa of starved fish may indicate an adaptive response to increased levels of xenobiotics and other harmful agents in the intestinal lumen or in circulation. In mammals, increased expression of p-glycoprotein in intestinal epithelia has proven to play a critical role in reducing cellular and plasma levels of potentially toxic compounds.