Meeting Abstract
P2.66 Monday, Jan. 5 Comparative harmonic analysis of the swimming of an electric ray (Narcine brasiliensis) and a biomimetic robot REBECCA, Vito W*; PORTER, Marianne; LONG, John H, Jr; ROOT, Robert G; Lafayette College; Vassar College; Vassar College; Lafayette College rebeccav@lafayette.edu
Swimming mechanics are often quantified using digital particle velocimetry and studying kinematics using high-speed video. These methods have limitations with flow rates and video capture techniques. Simple image processing and statistical methods offer means to examine aspects of body/caudal fin swimming kinematics from video footage as another technique for quantifying swimming kinematics. We recorded ventral images of body caudal fin swimming in an axially undulating electric ray Narcine brasiliensis and a biologically inspired axially undulating autonomous robot of similar body and tail shape. We analyzed the video footage to compare propulsive physiology. Analysis involves processing the video to identify 2-dimensional motion of the tail. This motion is expressed in the inertial coordinates of the swimmer, lateral and axial, and a periodic mathematical framework is imposed on the processed data via regression. We compare the phase and amplitude of motion at corresponding positions, and find that the fish and robot swim differently despite their morphological similarity. We can offer unique insights into the passive and active mechanics of body caudal fin swimmers using these computational techniques.