Meeting Abstract
59.1 Saturday, Jan. 5 Ciliogenesis, neurogenesis, and the intersection of aneural and neural larval swimming behaviors in the genome-enabled marine snail Lottia gigantea. EDSINGER-GONZALES, E.*; BREDESON, J.V.; LEUNG, A.V.; ZIMMERMAN, C.R.; DIAZ, D.E.; TREW, D.F.; BRUSCO, D.G.; WHITBURN, E.; MARTINEZ, G.; INGLE, H.; RUBADO-MEJIA, J.V.; MUGGLESTONE, L.E.; LAZEN J., SCOTT M.A., COLSTON T.J., TREW T., WERNER P., GIORGI G., ROWNING B.A., ROKHSAR D.S. ; UC Berkeley; Merritt College; Merritt College; Merritt College; Merritt College; Merritt College; Merritt College; Merritt College; Merritt College; Merritt College; Merritt College; Merritt College eegonzales@berkeley.edu
Larval swimming often begins prior to gastrulation in marine invertebrates. Thus, larval swimming may span both aneural and neural behavioral controls in taxa having a nervous system. To test this idea, we characterized larval swimming, ciliogenesis, and neurogenesis in Lottia gigantea. Swimming behavior was characterized by observation and video analysis. Cilia functioned by six hours post-fertilization, and swimming movements become increasingly complex. Ciliogenesis was characterized by electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybridization. Although prototroch cilia functioned early, a stereotypic shifting of cells and the formation of ciliary plates still needed to occur, and may influence swimming behavior and ability. Surprisingly, cilia-related transcription factors were expressed within distinct domains of the prototroch. Also surprising, structural proteins functioning in ciliary motility were expressed in both motile and non-motile ciliated cells. Neurogenesis was characterized by neurotransmitter immunohistochemistry. Diverse spatiotemporal patterns of expression were observed, with the earliest onset occurring between fifteen and eighteen hours, long after establishment of complex swimming behaviors. Our results suggest that the prototroch is under both aneural and neural control in Lottia, with later neural control potentially modulating an aneural system. Understanding aneural versus neural control in marine invertebrate larvae may provide new insights into the early evolution of animal behavior and nervous systems, and new perspectives on neuronal function in human health and disease.